Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Reuters/Ipsos poll: Obama's approval rating at 50%.

Obama's approval rating up to 50 percent: Reuters/Ipsos poll

The poll, taken March 8-11 on the heels of reports that 227,000 jobs were added to the U.S. economy in February, indicates that Obama's rating has risen by 2 percentage points during the past month. The percentage of Americans who disapprove of the Democratic president was 48 percent, down from 49 percent in February.
Some other polls have shown a recent dip in Obama's approval rating, and linked that to rising gasoline prices.
But for most Americans, other economic trends during the past month have been relatively positive. Obama appears to be benefiting from that, and perhaps from a bitter Republican presidential campaign that at times has focused on divisive social issues such as abortion.

If Obama's approval rating is 50%, that means there are just about as many who people like what he is doing as there people who don't like what he is doing.   So this is a good time to show how the country voted in the last Presidential election in 2008.  Not quite a landslide, but a blowout to be sure. 

I am not aware if any of the States are likely to change color in the next presidential election. but it doesn't look good right now for whoever emerges from the months long food fight that the GOP primaries have become.  If by some chance there is a brokered GOP convention and an all out war breaks out in the aisles between rival tribes, then the GOP's scant chance of winning will be brokered even further.

And McCain was a war hero centrist candidate with a smoking hot Sarah Palin sidekick.  If the GOP throws a Romney/Santorum ticket out there, it could get real ugly for the GOP.      

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